



※音楽生成の人工知能「Suno AI」が実用レベルに達しているという噂を聞きつけたので、『水滸伝』の主題曲を題材とした音楽生成を試行した。





1:水浒英杰传 (Legend of Water Margin Heroes)

水浒英杰传 (Legend of Water Margin Heroes


在月光下,他们崛起(Under the moonlit sky, they rise)

勇敢的战士,眼中燃烧着火焰(Warriors brave with fire in their eyes)

结义兄弟并肩而立(Sworn brothers stand side by side)

为正义和荣誉,他们永不退缩(For justice and honor, they won't hide)



经历试炼和战斗,他们奋战(Through trials and battles, they fight)

钢铁般的心,光辉灿烂的精神(With hearts of steel and spirits bright)

每一步都在延续他们的传奇(Their legend grows with each stride)

他们的命运紧紧相连(In unity, their fates are tied)



水浒英雄,听见他们的呼唤(Heroes of Water Margin, hear their call)

穿越时空,他们的名字屹立不倒(Through the ages, their names stand tall)

以剑与勇气,他们征服一切(With swords and valor, they conquer all)

忠义的精神永不坠落(The spirit of loyalty shall never fall)



面对黑暗,他们战胜一切(In the face of darkness, they prevail)

古老的智慧展现出他们的力量(With ancient wisdom, their strength unveiled)

他们的勇气与力量永不消退(Their courage and might never pale)

他们的故事,是一段史诗(Their story lives, an epic tale)



水浒英雄,听见他们的呼唤(Heroes of Water Margin, hear their call)

穿越时空,他们的名字屹立不倒(Through the ages, their names stand tall)

以剑与勇气,他们征服一切(With swords and valor, they conquer all)

忠义的精神永不坠落(The spirit of loyalty shall never fall)



山川回响着他们的歌声(Mountains and rivers echo their song)

兄弟之情永远坚固(The bond of brotherhood ever strong)

他们的遗产将继续传承(Their legacy will carry on)

在属于他们的人们心中(In the hearts of those who belong)



水浒英雄,听见他们的呼唤(Heroes of Water Margin, hear their call)

穿越时空,他们的名字屹立不倒(Through the ages, their names stand tall)

以剑与勇气,他们征服一切(With swords and valor, they conquer all)

忠义的精神永不坠落(The spirit of loyalty shall never fall)



当太阳落山,影子拉长(As the sun sets and shadows grow long)

他们的精神永远强大(Their spirits remain, forever strong)

在历史的记载中,他们属于(In the annals of history, they belong)

水浒英雄,永远是一首歌(The heroes of Water Margin, forever a song)







2:月光下的灵魂 (Souls Under the Moonlight)

月光下的灵魂 (Souls Under the Moonlight)


在流逝的时光中(In the flow of time)

英雄的影子(The shadows of heroes

战斗的日子已逝去(Days of battle have passed)

如今只是梦境(Now just a dream)



曾经发誓的忠义之心(Sworn hearts of loyalty)

受伤疲惫不堪(Wounded and weary)

流不尽的泪水(Tears that never stop)

在过去的荣光中摇曳(Swaying in past glory)



如同消逝的星辰(Like fading stars)

他们的名字远去(Their names drift far)

在悲伤中闪耀(Shining in sadness)

照亮永恒的夜晚(Lighting the eternal night)



失去朋友,离开故乡(Losing friends, leaving home)

独自一人的旅程(A solitary journey)

铭刻在心中的誓言(Promises etched in the heart)

难以忘怀的过去(An unforgettable past)



如同消逝的星辰(Like fading stars)

他们的名字远去(Their names drift far)

在悲伤中闪耀(Shining in sadness)

照亮永恒的夜晚(Lighting the eternal night)



在月光下(Under the moonlight)

他们的灵魂舞动(Their souls dance)

在回忆中继续生存(Living on in memories)

不忘那份光辉(Never forgetting that brilliance)



如同消逝的星辰(Like fading stars)

他们的名字远去(Their names drift far)

在悲伤中闪耀(Shining in sadness)

照亮永恒的夜晚(Lighting the eternal night)



在流逝的时光中(In the flow of time)

英雄的影子(The shadows of heroes

他们的灵魂永远(Their souls forever live on)

在心中继续生存(In our hearts)







※画像:DALL-E / 音楽:Suno AI






呑気好亭 華南夢録

呑気好亭 華南夢録
